You give marijuana to his son?

We are seeing in the media, a series of demonstrations advocating the use of marijuana.In my teens I had much contact with as many friends used marijuana frequently and even some use to this day! The problem is that some who used this drug unfortunately are no longer alive and others who continued to use people have become apathetic, no subject, no life, no interest and worse ... no job to support his addiction.They say that we have no right to meddle in others' lives, and who wants to use marijuana must decide for itself, but imagine a person smoking a cigarette of marijuana and driving on a highway at 120 kilometers per hour. We should not interfere in the life of this person? We should not be concerned with the evils which he can Cauze?If so, then why are fighting the people who run fervorozamente alcolizadas? Will they invent a breathalyzer test for marijuana as well?My, good. Or I'm traveling a lot or people have lost their sense of reality.I think anyone who wants to "pat" is on your right to do, but being forbidden drug, these people will do this in a private place, your going to enjoy the breeze, ending his health, but ... will not bother anyone!Now imagine if it was released. Imagine walking down the Avenida Paulista feeling the sweet smell of "burnt grass", and people traveling with suits and red-eyed, not talking "thing to thing."I think our late former President Fernando Henrique not thought of that when he raised that flag, now also in their 80s should already be senile to defend this nonsense. Will his grandchildren will be able to smoke? Or he is advocating only for that poor son of smoking?There are thousands of people in rehab clinics trying to clean up, trying to regain his life, his dignity and guess what. ALL began using marijuana blessed that contrary to what users say, yes it is addictive.Sweden released marijuana but the result was disaster, people were losing their sense of reality, were naturally segregated by society and ended up in the ghettos of users like the Sao Paulo Cracolândia. The result was not good, since cases of respiratory problems have multiplied across the country, a significant increase in lung cancer, loss of lives, theft as addicts fail to maintain their jobs, murders, broken families etc ...The attitude of our ministers of the Supreme Court to release the marches, saying freedom of expression was very important for our country, for now the rapists also can organize to demand the release of the rape, the thieves can do their demonstrations as wellon.Now I invite everyone to just for a moment imagine how to get a hospital to be treated and the doctor is out there next to the emergency smoking a joint, giving a "slap" ... now, what the problem is if marijuana is released? You proceed with the consultation? Many like our Representatives, Senators, and Justices of the Supreme with its high wages that come out of our pockets and can afford good agreements, which would speak simply just get another doctor, and population but has no option to choose how it looks?Now imagine a police officer working with his gun in his waistband, calmly smoking his before stopping YOU based in the street ...Now what the problem is if marijuana is released? Will not say who want to release the marijuana only for the young middle class who do not exercise any professional activity? Ahh but you must be over eighteen years, despite the protests we see many, many teenagers who by law could not even buy a single cigarette, but marijuana ... oh yes, it can!I had the curiosity to check on the net, the physical effects of marijuana, since the music that advocates the legalization says that "a natural herb can not harm me," (is that the singer left his son smoking?), But returning to subject, checked the effects on the body and I was amazed to learn that cannabis doubles the heartbeat and can lead to heart attack, it lowers resistance to infection, it causes EEG changes, it decreases the size and weight of the prostate and testicles (his bag shrinks my friend), decreases the level of sex hormones (Let men and women without sexual appetite), the mechanism of decreased visual tracking and undermines the notion of speed that is a danger in traffic, produces hallucinations, delusions cause, kills the courage to do things day to day, produces strong psychological dependence, particularly in the case of adolescents, is ten times more carcinogenic than smoking and worst of all, it inhibits the ability to learn something new leaving people in a catatonic state in the long term, the life of users simply to time.
I do not know you, but I'm deliberately decided not to let my kids use. As adults if they want to enter this path, will not be for lack of information about the consequences that this decision will bring them to life, but I will not accept anybody telling my kids that smoking marijuana is good and beautiful because it is not.
Today in my moment of silence, I think very, very hard to find ways to protect my ... our children from this evil.Val