Do you believe in UFOs?

This is a subject that intrigues me greatly, because with advancing technologies for image editing, even the most experienced experts have trouble identifying what is fraud and what really is a true mystery.My vision of what has been reported worldwide, is that really we are being watched by something or someone, but what leads me to believe it was an experience I had when I still had my 13 years.I never touched on this subject, because I then I got scared, but I do not know why today I feel like writing about it.So here we go.At the time we lived in the city of Marilia, São Paulo and my father worked as a marketer.It was one of those nights that give us chills down your spine, making a lot of wind noise from homes and low dark clouds moving fast, but it was not raining, just that look of horror movie.As I recall it should not be too late, it was about eight o'clock at night and our house was about two feet above the street level and there was a ramp with a lawn in front where my father put the van in the tents that we used at the fair.For once I was in charge of removing the stalls of the van and during this process that the wind was going to face me, so that by taking the poles of the tent behind the vehicle I was hiding from the wind, but quickly turned and gave a wind came very, very strong for my left and our dog (pincher), began to bark frantically to the side of the wind.When I looked, a ball roughly the size of a basketball, illuminated like a lamp that is placed in the home, went very fast, almost scraping the ceiling of the van and our dog barking and barking and trying to go too desperate behind the object.Detail, the object was very low and deflected the houses, trees and disappeared in seconds.I was very pale and shaking, barely able to speak what I saw, I ran into the house saying that terror had passed a light in my head and my father reacted as anyone would have reacted calmly to the left, looked to the sky and seeing a plane out on the horizon, looked at my mother and pointed saying I was afraid of a plane.At that point I shut up and never touched the subject until now!Today seeing so many reports of people who see these objects in the world, I can only believe that it is a matter of time before knowing what it all means.I just hope we do not have an unpleasant surprise.This video below has been posted by many people, but whenever I see I'm impressed, although there are dozens of other similar videos on the net, this really makes us stop and think.

While many have seen the story on TV, I watch it and make a reflection on what may have happened.
I do not want to influence anyone to believe or disbelieve, but as a critic I am, like any matter that might generate some discussion.
Who knows if someday people understand that if there is a threat out there that everyone here, white, black, tall, thin, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, American, Brazilian, Arabic, Oriental or European. We are all human, we are brothers and we have to help each other, because if there is something or someone out there interested in our world, interested in our natural wealth, I doubt that it will ask who is rich or who is poor.
Today in my minute of silence will reflect much, and pray that people stop blasting each other.